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CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster First to Support Deployment Strategies of Small Cell Forum ‘Release Two: Enterprise’ Guidelines

For the first time, the Small Cell Forum includes Smart Signal Boosters in its guidelines to address indoor coverage challenges in the enterprise; CEL-FI meets requirements thanks to self-optimized networking (SON) algorithms in the CEL-FI baseband processor. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA – Jan. 29, 2014 – CEL-FI by Nextivity Inc. today announced that the next generation […]

CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster Wins Most Innovative New Product Award from CONNECT

Nextivity Inc. today announced that its CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster received the Most Innovative New Product (MIP) Award in the Hardware and General Technology category at the 2013 CONNECT MIP Awards ceremony held on December 6th SAN DIEGO – December 10, 2013 – Nextivity Inc. today announced that its CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster received the […]

Nextivity Announces Third-Generation IntelliBoost Baseband Processor for CEL-FI Smart Signal Boosters

New processor adds support for LTE devices on LTE networks to deliver optimal indoor signal quality; unparalleled versatility, speed, and intelligence positions Nextivity for leadership in the booster market. SAN DIEGO, Calif. – December 5, 2013 – Nextivity Inc. today announced the IntelliBoost ARES, its third generation CEL-FI Baseband Processor for the indoor wireless coverage market. […]

AT&T Authorizes CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster For Use on Its Wireless Network

AT&T subscribers can now use the authorized CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster to eliminate in-building dead-zones and dropped calls. SAN DIEGO, Calif. – July 23, 2013 – Nextivity Inc. today announced that AT&T has formally entered into an agreement with the company, authorizing the Nextivity CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster for use on the AT&T wireless network. This […]

CEL-FI Builds Industry First Boosters under Safe Harbor 2: More Power, Better Coverage

San Diego, Calif. – February 27, 2013 – Nextivity Inc., is pleased to announce two new Cel‐Fi Signal Boosters, designed specifically for the North American market. Like all of the systems in the Cel‐Fi product line, the two newest variants are Carrier Specific, Smart, Consumer Boosters which are fully compliant with Safe Harbor 2 of […]

CEL-FI Applauds Federal Communications Commission Signal Boosters Education

CEL-FI applauds the Federal Communications Commission’s decision today to provide greater regulatory certainty to wireless signal booster manufacturers. San Diego, Calif. – February 20, 2013 – CEL-FI, by Nextivity Inc., a leading developer of in‐building coverage technology, applauds the Federal Communications Commission’s decision today to provide greater regulatory certainty to wireless signal booster manufacturers. The […]