Set your CEL-FI GO Smart Signal Booster to automatically track the same base station to which your phone is connected

App Store Play Store

Get the best possible cellular connectivity as you travel

The MyWAVE app is a simple “Follow my Phone” utility for your CEL-FI GO in Mobile Mode. Get setup in a few easy steps and run the app in the background while on the road. This will ensure your GO is boosting the same frequency and technology the phone prefers. The overall signal level improvement when using the app can easily be seen.
Signal Comparison - No Booster
No Booster
Signal Comparison - Not Following
Default GO
Signal Comparison - Following your Phone
Following with MyWAVE

Easy Setup

  • Step 1: Install the app
    Visit the App Store or Google Play Store to download and install the MyWAVE app. Make sure to accept any permissions during initial setup. Note: some devices require Location permissions in order for Bluetooth to work.
  • Step 2: Run the app
    When you start your journey, launch the app and make sure your are within Bluetooth range of your CEL-FI GO. You can leave the app running in the background to monitor the band channels and technology your phone is using.
  • Step 3: Turn ON “Follow my Phone”
    Slide the big switch to the right. The switch will turn green and the GO will start following your phones bands and frequencies. Once you’ve finished your journey, turn off the switch or shut down the app. The booster will revert back to its normal operation.


  • Android OS version 7 or higher
  • Apple iOS version 11 or higher
  • Enable Bluetooth services (when requested by app)
  • Accept the Location permission (when requested by app)
  • Ensure your CEL-FI GO is in “Mobile Mode”
  • Ensure your CEL-FI GO has the latest software update
  • GO Requirements:
    • CEL-FI GO Mobile (GO G31)
    • CEL-FI GO+ M (GO G32)

iOS version will support 3G forcing

This will fix the problem on iPhone 12’s by forcing the booster to operate on 3G networks.

Get Support

If you have further questions, check out our Support page for full Installation and Troubleshooting Guides.


MyWAVE will be available from the App Store and Google Play store:

App Store
Play Store

Ensure the best
connectivity as
you travel.