Review: CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster for T-Mobile

CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster

Good news travels fast, so they say. So we thought we would hurry it along by passing on some of the kudos that our CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster continues to receive. The best thing about a lot of reviews we’re seeing is that the authors were naysayers to booster technology until they tried out CEL-FI.

Take this one from Phil Baker at San Diego Daily Transcript. The title says it all – “A Cellphone Signal Booster That Really Works”. Baker openly admits he was a skeptic before he tested out the CEL-FI DUO.  His previous experience was that boosters typically didn’t live up to the hype. So what did he have to say? “But this product is different. It really works and its performance exceeded all expectations.” (Note that the booster tested is authorized for use on the T-Mobile network.)

It’s a great read! Clearly it made Baker a believer. It also provides lots of details on how and why CEL-FI works and how to set it up. The end result for Baker was this: “This is a very impressive product: easy to set up, easy to use and the improvement in performance speaks for itself… If you’ve hesitated to get rid of your landline because of marginal cellular service, now there’s less of a reason to hold back.”

We also came across this review of CEL-FI on the Android Forum (requires log-in). The author’s answer to the question “Does it actually work?” after test driving an AT&T version of the CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster was simple: “Yep! I was happy to see how much it improved my indoor coverage. I went from a very weak 3G signal in my house to a strong 4G LTE signal…”

These kinds of reviews are worth their weight in gold! They support what we’ve been saying about CEL-FI all along: it’s easy to set up, and it works!