CEL-FI Brings Public Safety ERCES Capabilities to Largest Structures with CEL-FI QUATRA RED Fiber Range Extender

Nextivity Adds Fiber Capabilities to its Public Safety Portfolio by Launching the CEL-FI QUATRA RED Fiber Range Extender Fiber offering extends the reach of Nextivity’s industry-leading ERCES public safety solutions to the largest buildings and structures, including campuses and high-rise environments At the International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE), Nextivity announced the expansion of its Emergency Responder Communications Enhancement […]
Podcast: Nextivity’s Victor Mejia Outlines Benefits of New CEL-FI SOLO RED Integrated Public Safety BDA

Victor Mejia, senior product manager for Nextivity, discusses the capabilities of CEL-FI SOLO RED, the new integrated bi-directional amplifier (BDA) solution being launched during the IWCE 2021 event in Las Vegas. Using only a half-watt of output power, the new BDA is designed to support public safety communications inside smaller structures at an affordable price […]
Going Cashless: Retail Stores Bolster Mobile Pay Capabilities with CEL-FI’s Cellular Solutions

Nextivity mobile signal boosters assure cellular coverage for strong customer authentication (SCA) and PSD2 payment processes CEL-FI by Nextivity’s next-generation mobile signal boosters are fast becoming the go-to solution to alleviate mobile dead spots in large department stores where reliable cellular coverage is integral to credit application processes for, and payment of, high-value items as […]
Elevating Shopping Experiences with CEL-FI’s Industry-Leading Cellular Solutions

Poor cellular reception inside grocery stores is a deal breaker According to the Grocery Store Real Estate Market & Trends (2021) report published in July by First National Reality Partners, a private equity commercial real estate investment firm, “…the enduring demand of grocery items and the recent sales surges, the financial condition of the grocery industry as […]
CEL-FI’s Cutting-Edge Solutions Resolve Cellular Coverage Issues in Warehouses

The pandemic triggered an avalanche of e-commerce sales and it’s not slowing down. As a result, there has been a significant increase in the demand for warehousing space. In fact, commercial retail estate and investment firm CBRE estimates an additional 400-500 million square feet will be needed over the next five years. The surge in […]
CEL-FI Ensures Reliable Emergency Communication with Industry-Leading ERCES Public Safety Solutions

New technologies drive code advancements for in-building public-safety communications In-building coverage is a significant challenge for first-responder emergency communications, according to an International Fire Chiefs Association report based on a Safer Buildings Coalition survey conducted in 2018. According to the report, 98% of emergency responders said that they were having problems with their communication because […]
CEL-FI Brings Industry-Leading Enterprise Multi-Carrier Coverage Globally with QUATRA 4000e

Nextivity focuses on in-building cellular coverage in key geographies with new offering Nextivity has recently announced the availability of the 3G/4G/5G multi-carrier CEL-FI QUATRA 4000e in-building enterprise cellular coverage solution, which has been approved for use on all major carrier networks in Asia, Europe, the U.K., and Oceania. Each CEL-FI QUATRA Network Unit (NU) can […]
Car Dealerships and Other Retail Spaces Boost Mobile Coverage with License Exempt Signal Repeaters

Reliable 4G coverage will be essential for all businesses offering consumer credit Covid-19 has transformed the retail landscape beyond all recognition. Three lockdowns combined with regional tier systems have brought about liquidations and acquisitions for a number of well-known brands, and a good deal more are favoring e-commerce over brick-and-mortar stores. Even as life starts […]
CEL-FI’s Cutting-Edge Solutions Bring Enterprise-Grade Cellular Coverage to Middleprise Facilities

Enterprise-grade coverage for middleprise buildings: An up-and-coming business opportunity for the mobile repeater market “Traditional DAS is often too large and too expensive for the needs and budgets of middleprise facilities, it is essential to propose a solution designed specifically for this market,” explains Colin Abrey of Nextivity Tier one buildings such as airports, convention […]
Hotels Select CEL-FI to Elevate Cellular Connectivity and Digital Experience for Guests

Why Hotels Cannot Afford Bad Cell Service Spotty cellular coverage or “dead zones” inside your hotel can frustrate guests and discourage them from staying at your property again. Business travel is anticipated to scale back up to $1.4 trillion by 2022 with family and leisure trips being expected to reach higher levels than in 2019. […]