Having Cellphone Connection Issues? 5 Things you Need to Know About Signal Strength

Just about everyone has experienced a dropped call or a cellular dead zone. When that happens, we instinctively look at the bars on our phones to determine if a weak cellular signal is the cause. But what do those bars really mean? We share some thoughts on that topic below.

The top 5 things you need to know about the “Bars on Your Phone”:

  1. The bars on your phone do not tell you everything about signal strength. Sometimes what appears on your phone as a partial signal can be as good as a full one.
  2. Signal strength is displayed differently depending on the manufacturers. Each relies on different algorithms to generate the readings you see on the screen.
  3. There are no standards that dictate how a manufacturer measures and reports signal strength. They can even change with each new phone or software upgrade.
  4. Signals can be assessed in two ways: the strength of the signal from the cell tower; or its quality based on factors such as network interference, usage or noise. Device manufacturers might only use one or the other as their measurement of choice.
  5. A partial signal isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. Any indicator showing two bars or more usually means the signal is adequate for getting the job done.

The importance of Signal Stability

The most important issue for anyone is signal stability – and figuring that out doesn’t require a lesson in science. All you need to ask yourself is this: does the strength and the quality of your signal hold up wherever you are in your building? If you’re dropping calls or experiencing poor voice quality, you might want to consider a CEL-FI Smart Signal Booster.

With CEL-FI, it really doesn’t matter if your device is displaying two or five bars. As long as the signal stays intact, you can rest assured that you are getting the strength and quality you need.